Highlighting our Yarn Bases: Dimond Laine Birdie

What can’t we say about Dimond Laine Birdie? This base is in constant rotation on our needles with fun and personality to the max! It’s a fingering weight yarn that is all things to all projects: it’s a strand-along, a fingering-weight, a DK-weight. Held single, the fabric is airy and cloud-like; held double, the fabric is all delicious fluffy squish. We also love how Birdie takes the dye – with a 74% Suri alpaca, 26% silk fiber blend, the color glows from the inside out, from its shiny, silky core to its brushed fleecy tips. We offer this yarn in 50-gram, 328-yard skeins in our full hand-dyed color catalog through our dyed-to-order events and in our Bainbridge Island store. It’s a true shapeshifter yarn and a staple here at The Lamb & Kid. Beautiful whether knit solo or with friends - #mixthosebases!

Want ideas for projects with Birdie?

The newest release is from our friend, Jackie Rose. Her SoHo Square plays with color and drape, showing off Birdie at its best!

Try The Lamb & Kid Designs’ Hat for All Seasons  

Inlet Shawl (held double and knit with Dimond Laine Elmer Tweed Fingering)

Sampler Shawl (mixed with The Lamb & Kid Tod or Dimond Laine Elmer Fingering)

The Fall Shawl (held double and knit with The Lamb & Kid Tod Worsted) 

Wanderlust Knitter uses Birdie too! Try her Big Fluff (Birdie held triple)

Bright Here Bright Now scarf (held double)

Idaho Sunset Shawl (held double) or the Idaho Sunset Tee (held single) 

Other designs we love: Delightful Dot Cowl by Tori Yu and Pressed Flowers by Amy Christoffers, both using Birdie held double and knit with The Lamb & Kid Tod, and the First Raglan Sweater by Jared Flood, holding Birdie with Dimond Laine Elmer Tweed Fingering.

Interested in trying Birdie? Watch our dyed-to-order announcements via Instagram or our newsletter for available colors offered several times each month. Or call our Bainbridge Island shop during our business hours at 206-201-3563.

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1 comment

To add to this great list- I’m finishing up my 2nd Cumulus Blouse using Birdie held double. I’m thinking about a color blocked third one!

Arlene Jones

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