Snow Day Hat Pattern

Got a skein of Tod worsted? You’ve got a hat! 

Snow Day (Tod worsted) Beanie

1 skein The Lamb & Kid Tod Worsted

Needles: US 6, 7 and 8 16” circular, US 8 double points

Notions: marker, darning needle

Gauge: 17 stitches / 4” on stockinette stitch in the round on largest needle (we used a US 8).


Using US 6 needle, cast on 86 stitches. Join in the round.

Knit 2 rounds.

Switch to US 7 needle and knit 1 round.

Purl 1 round.

Knit every round until hat measures approx. 2”

Switch to US 8 needle and knit every round until hat measures 7-7.5” from cast-on edge.

Decrease rounds:

1: *(Knit12, knit2tog) two times, Knit13, knit2 tog *; repeat between * * once. 6 stitches decreased (80 stitches)

2: Knit

3: (Knit 6, K2tog) around (70 sts)

4: Knit

5: (Knit 5, K2tog) around (60 sts)

6: Knit

7: (Knit4, K2tog) around (50 sts)

8: Knit

9: (K3, K2tog) around (40 sts)

10: (K2, K2tog) around (30 sts)

11: (K1, K2tog) around (20 sts)

12: K2tog around (10 sts)

Break yarn, thread through stitches and draw up to close.

Wet block and lay flat to dry.


The Lamb & Kid

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